@string{RASMAT:04 = {Proceedings of the {W}orkshop in {R}ecent {A}dvances in {S}candinavian {M}achine {T}ranslation}} @inproceedings{Lon:Oep:Ber:04, author = {Jan Tore Lønning and Stephan Oepen and Dorothee Beermann and Lars Hellan and John Carroll and Helge Dyvik and Dan Flickinger and Janne Bondi Johannessen and Paul Meurer and Torbjørn Nordgård and Victoria Rosén and Erik Velldal}, title = {{LOGON}. {A} {N}orwegian {MT} Effort}, booktitle = RASMAT:04, address = {Uppsala, Sweden}, pdf = {http://stp.ling.uu.se/RASMAT/extended_abstracts/LOGON.pdf}, year = 2004 }